Deep Dive Wednesdays

🗣 Running a B2B and want to reach 40,317 DTC Brands? Start here…

Happy Wednesday!

If you’re new here, every Wednesday, I dive deep into a specific topic, and today, let’s dive into everything you need to know about Influencer Whitelisting in 2024.

For all the news subscribers, here’s how the weekly format for the DTC Newsletter looks like currently:

  • Mondays: What’s hot on Twitter | Sai or Kaushal’s insights (our in-house ad and CRO specialists) | My insights on DTC (Ibrahim’s Nuggets) | Resources

  • Tuesdays: What’s hot on Twitter | Sai or Kaushal’s insights (our in-house ad and CRO specialists) | My insights on DTC (Ibrahim’s Nuggets) | Resources

  • Wednesdays: My deep dive on a specific DTC topic

  • Thursdays: What’s hot on Twitter | Sai or Kaushal’s insights (our in-house ad and CRO specialists) | My insights on DTC (Ibrahim’s Nuggets) | Resources

  • Fridays: Q&As with me (all the questions asked throughout the week, I’ll try answering them)

Let us know what you’d like us to talk more of, and if you like our current format. You can share here.

One thing I do want to mention is, in yesterday’s issue, where I shared a GPT4 prompt to write email copies, I missed adding one URL script as part of the prompt, where you had to share your URL as well with the GPT4. You can find the updated prompt here.

Alright, let’s get into today’s deep dive..


Today’s Tool of the Day is used by over 1,000 DTC brands and is super special because we know just how well UGC works for the brands who read our newsletter. Which means we also know how hard it can be to manage the process and find the right creators for your brand.. 

Luckily, there’s a tool for that…

minisocial handles all the work for you, so you have all of the control without any of the busy work, sounds perfect right?

Well it gets better brands that partner with minisocial have put UGC to the test and have found...

🔥 92% increase in organic social views

💸 over a 30% increase in ROAS, 

🛒 a 50% decrease in costs per add-to-cart.  

They’re accessibly priced starting at just 2K Oh, and if you mention DTC Daily, we’ve got 15% off for you!


Your checklist for a product launch

Product and promotional launch calendars are starting to become more crowded as we move into Q3 and then Q4 of 2024. This is how I like to plan and execute on DTC for product and big promotional launches:

Product/Promotion One Sheeter

This document becomes what each stakeholder (creative, developers, etc.) can refer back to with all the information about what is going on. This doc also contains links to the relevant graphics, fonts, etc. so no one gets held up because of missing assets.

This will include:

  • What is the promotion or product

  • Who is the target customer

  • What channels will be activated (paid, earned, website, etc.)

  • Launch date & end date (if applicable)

  • The goal of promotion (email sign-ups, purchases, subscriptions, etc.)

  • Who's in charge of what

  • Important dates

Site Experiences

  • Make sure there is tailored copy and content blocks for the site to message the product or promotion clearly

  • For promotions, make sure that coupon codes all auto apply at checkout, even if someone forgets the cod

  • Make sure the collections or product page being featured has been developed with site speed in mind

  • Is there enough content to teach someone how to use their products as soon as they receive them? Did we answer the common customer service questions on the promotion or product page?

  • Do we need to set up a lander? If so, are we testing 3 different offers or promotions?

  • Has the email collection been updated, if needed?

  • Is the homepage updated with copy and creativity that reflect a new product launch or new sale? I’d like to talk about Black Friday separately soon, but below is an example of what I mean when I say, if the homepage is updated with copy and creativity that reflect a new product launch or new sale?

Email & SMS

  • Is the copy punchy enough, but also explains what the hell this event is? (we sometimes assume the customers to just know without mentioning it)

  • Make sure the coupon code auto applying to the URLs, that’s being sent out for emails and texts

  • Have a clear launch email and text, 1-2 follow-ups (focused on product education), depending on the period, and a last chance email + text

  • Update banner within automated flows to flag the new product or promotion, if needed

Social Media

  • Create vanity URLs so they're easy to remember, and looks cleaner as well. On Shopify, you can set up URL Redirects, so you have clean links in your social media bio & IG stories

  • Any influencers who are promoting on launch day should also have their own vanity URLs, so you can track their numbers individually

  • Have a clear post and caption announcing what the new product or promotion is, and where they can go to learn more. So many people use TikTok and Instagram as search engines today!

  • Add a highlight or post with a Q&A for the promotion or product launch

  • Be ready to monitor comments if there's paid social spend behind the promotion or product launch

Paid Media

  • If you're launching with landing pages, make sure you have those ready to go. Ideally, you have one for existing customers, and at least one for new customers

  • Develop a video and static assets to run on your paid channels

  • Update branded search copy to reflect the new product launch or site promotion

  • Export and update CRM audiences across relevant platforms

  • Write some punchy ad copy

Earned Media

  • Affiliates, ambassadors, influencers, and editors should all be made aware of an upcoming product launch

  • For site promotions, you can tap the affiliate channels of sites like Business Insider, BuzzFeed, etc. to be included in their deal round-ups

  • For any UGC/unboxing, make sure each recipient has a card with the main benefits of the product

  • Use vanity URLs!

Apps & Software

  • Make sure any relevant info is uploaded into Gorgias for customer service inquiries (or other CX app, if you use one)

  • Make sure the product is able to collect reviews and that emails are being triggered

  • Double-check any Shopify scrips to make sure they're all working as they should for promotions/discounts/etc

  • Place multiple test orders in different states to ensure everything is working as it should be from Shopify to the arrival of the new product

In-Store Promotions (the inverse)

  • If you have a promotion activating at retail stores, you should support these promotions with light ads online

  • Build a landing page where you go deep on the education of the product or sale, what's included, and what store they could find it at. Optimize a conversion campaign for the store locator button!


  • If it's possible with existing orders going out to customers, drop a postcard announcing the new product or promotion. There's no better touch point than an excited customer who's unboxing your product!

Hopefully, the hardest part is staying in stock. What else did I miss?

Alright folks, that’s it for today. Have any questions/feedback? Feel free to share here.

Thank you.


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🗣 Running a B2B and want to reach 40,317 DTC Brands? Start here…