Tuesday, May 28

🗣 Running a B2B and want to reach 40,357 DTC Brands? Start here

Ask Ibrahim: If you need advice for your business, ask our DTC expert here

Hi All,

Thank for striving hard every day, trying new strategies and keeping yourself motivated. The process isn't easy, but the results are worth it.

🚨 In today’s newsletter 🚨

  • If you aren’t using this tool in meta ads, you are losing money on the table!

  • Ibrahim’s Nuggets: Problem-Solution GPT4 Prompt

  • Top 3 Latest News: E-commerce fails to click for firms in Q4 as sales dip across segments and more

Let’s get into it👇


This is a great thread to read, and we didn’t want you to miss out on it

You can read the entire Twitter thread here.


Are You at the Mercy of Meta? 🧐

"Meta is killing my campaigns."

How do I fight the rising CPMs?"

"Does anyone know what to do?"

Sounds familiar? You're not alone if you've been struggling with high ad costs and poor campaign performance. You've tried tweaking your ad creatives and offers, but it's not enough. So, what's next?

Here’s a take: Diversify your marketing efforts and invest in influencer relationships. Why? Influencers bring a dedicated community, authentic stories, and organic content that resonates with their audience.

Instead of relying solely on ads, leverage the trust and engagement influencers have built with their followers. Their content can also serve as powerful ad creatives and social proof, boosting your campaigns.

Where do you start? With a simple, no BS tool.

With SARAL, you can find everything you need to build your influencer marketing program in one place. SARAL makes it easy, from finding the right creator in your niche to managing conversations and tracking sales.

Plus, their customer happiness team supports you every step of the way.

Have questions? Connect with an expert.

If you aren’t using this tool in meta ads, you are losing money on the table!

The crucial part about running meta ads is analysis.

While I already spoke about the e-commerce ad metrics in this newsletter

There is still more to add onto the analysis,

Today, we are talking about breakdown

When you are scaling your ad campaigns,

You need to be agile in doubling down on what’s working.

Breakdown allows you to zoom into details like daily, weekly, monthly spends by

  • Age

  • Geography

  • Placement &

  • Platform

But what’s the point in knowing these?

A simple answer is hyper targeting.

From breakdown, let’s say, you got to know that your messaging resonates with 35-45 aged females located in England using iPhones.

Imagine the intricate possibilities of going deeper with your ad/business messaging and ad formats that suits this demographic.

Isn’t that amazing?


Hi, there!

Yesterday I received some positive feedback on the issue I wrote, so thank you for that. And if I haven’t gotten back to you yet, please know that I will, shortly.

Alright, so one thing we know Founders really struggle with is usually time, and that’s common with pretty much all the Founders. And if you’re a bootstrapped Founder, I know it can be really hard to do all the things well because you’re wearing all the hats, so today I wanted to share a GPT4 Prompt you could use to help you with copywriting—if you’re unwilling to (for any reason) hire a copywriter.

💡 Problem-Solution - Begin with a problem as a hook, then introduce your product as a solution to overcome the problem. This type of email hooks the reader from the get-go, holds their attention, and gives you a chance to present your product as the solution.

Let’s assume we want to get an email done in this case, although you can use this content pretty much anywhere, including socials and LPs..

Chat GPT4 Prompt:

You are CopyGPT, and your primary objective is to help me craft email marketing copy, emphasizing the problem-solving dynamic of my product/brand.

Refer to this link to understand my product: [link to product page]

Assist me in detailing how my product addresses specific challenges or issues that potential customers might face.

Adhere to the following structure:

  • [title] Key Problem Headline: Write a concise title highlighting a significant problem or pain point that potential customers face

  • [description] In-depth Problem Description: Expand on the aforementioned headline, offering more context about why this problem matters and how it affects the target audience

  • [benefit 1 title] Short title mentioning a benefit or feature of the product in the context of the problem-solution introduced earlier

  • [benefit 1 description] Short description regarding the above benefit or feature

  • [benefit 2 title] Second short title mentioning a benefit or feature of the product in the context of the problem-solution introduced earlier

  • [benefit 2 description] Second short description regarding the above benefit or feature

  • [benefit 3 title] Third short title mentioning a benefit or feature of the product in the context of the problem-solution introduced earlier

  • [benefit 3 description] Third short description regarding the above benefit or feature

In addition, replicate the voice and tone of the content you read in the URL.







You can obviously tweak this a bit to cater to your brand and needs, and never hesitate to experiment different things, and you can also play around with these prompts. Also, feel free to share the examples of the brands you like.

If you liked today’s issue, please do let me know, because if I get enough responses on this, I’ll do a big deep dive on all things AI, prompts, and the tools!

Alright folks, that’s it for today.

Thank you.


💸 Cut your add-to-cart costs in half and increase ROAS by 30+%. How, you ask?! With minisocial. Start your campaign to get content that converts

Trusted by over 1,000 top DTC brands like Native and immi, minisocial handles micro influencer campaigns flawlessly. Creators produce engaging UGC & post it!


Have any questions that you need help with?

Ask here - and look out for Fridays Issue where Ibrahim will answer them.

If you want to reach our audience, email [email protected] or set up a call here