Tuesday, June 6

Today's DTC news, tips, & tools you need to know

🎯 Target’s silence is deafening

📰 TL;DR - Target backtracking on its splashy Pride collection is perhaps the biggest mainstream retail story in recent memory, yet Target itself has gone silent. The retailer hasn’t said a word since releasing a statement on May 24 that they were adjusting displays of the collection, which was created by partnering with LGBTQ+ designers and brands. With that, Target is refusing to take a strong stance, which has put it in a worse situation with advocacy groups.

💡 Insight - Target has backed itself into a corner. On one hand, they’re being called to make a strong statement to back up their supposed LGBTQ+-affirming values. On the other hand, we saw what happened to Bud Light and surely they’re facing internal pressures. As one commenter put it, “My overall position is, you steer into the skid, you stick to your guns, because I don’t think you can have a middle ground on this.” If you’re going to take a stance, take it and mean it.

👻 Why do B2B CEOs hire LinkedIn ghostwriters?

Ghostwriters handle all of the time-consuming tasks that CEOs don’t have time for, such as:

  • graphics

  • video editing

  • adding closed captions

  • writing attention-grabbing hooks

Their snackable content can then educate, entertain, and engage their warm network. And the entire process takes you only 1 hour per month.

CEOs are gradually becoming micro-celebrities on LinkedIn. This opens up a plethora of possibilities, such as:

  • new business

  • fresh media coverage

  • talent yearning to work for them

Personal branding on Linkedin can give them so much leverage.

If you are a busy CEO looking to hire a LinkedIn ghostwriter, Demandii is the perfect solution! Visit here.

💸 Shopify launches Shop Cash

📰 TL;DR - Shopify has rolled out Shop Cash in the US — a program that lets shoppers earn 1% back on purchases made with Shop Pay. They even held a Shop Day event which very much had Prime Day vibes. The goal was to get people shopping in the Shop app. Shop Cash can be redeemed in the Shop app and special deals for extra earnings will be offered to entice shoppers to make a purchase.

💡 Insight - Shop Pay is basically Shopify’s answer to Prime, and sure, it has great order tracking and saves your payments, but I’m not sold that 1% back is enough to keep it growing. I’m also not sold on this idea of things like Shop and Klarna trying to be the first touchpoint on a shopping journey. Shopping happens more organically — you see a product on social and go searching. Or you search Google for a type of shoe. It’s hard to imagine anyone opening Shop or Klarna because they’re feeling an urge to spend. And fact is that Shop Pay will never truly compete with Prime because Prime comes with that sweet premium delivery.

📧 The “+1” email marketing hack

📰 TL;DR - Here’s an email marketing tactic to try, via Moiz Ali. In a tweet, he recommended what he calls the +1 email — segmenting those who didn’t open a reminder about an expiring deal, and retargeting them. He says he uses this on campaigns he expects to generate a lot of revenue. Full details in the tweet. One reply said they see a “boost of 20-30% in incremental sales from this.”

💡 Insight - Give it a try! But importantly, resends should be a standard part of your email marketing strategy, as should customer segmentation. That’s why it’s entirely worth investing in a more sophisticated email marketing tool. Moiz mentions Klaviyo, which certainly seems to be the most popular among e-comm marketers.

🛠️ Things worth checking out

💦 LEAKS - Stop losing sales with a leaky funnel. Optimize your e-commerce website with ConvertFlow's all-in-one funnel builder. Get 1 month free on every plan here.

🚨 GET READY - GA4 is replacing Universal Analytics on July 1st. Is your store ready? All you need to know with Charles Farina in partnership with Aidaptive. Register here.

🤖 AI DETECTION - Amazon has started using AI to detect damaged items and it’s much better at it than a person. A cool use of AI! Read here.

☠️ MALWARE - E-comm is being targeted by this malware scam. Be aware and protect yourself. Read here.

🥇 TOP MARKETERS - Glossy has named the top fashion and beauty marketers. Check out the list and go get inspired.

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