Tuesday, January 16

The 5 things in DTC you need to know today

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  • Influencer Marketing: Fueling eCommerce Growth

  • Lost Sales from Forgotten Internal Links

  • Quantum Shields for Online Shoppers

Let’s get into it👇

#1 - Influencer Marketing: Fueling eCommerce Growth

The Rundown: Influencer marketing has exploded, now a $16.4 billion industry, with brands leveraging social media creators to drive ecommerce sales.

Key Details:

  • Influencers provide brands cost-effective outreach to targeted audiences, establishing credibility.

  • Choosing the right influencers involves goal-setting and understanding audience demographics.

  • Metrics like website traffic and conversion rates track the tangible ROI of campaigns.

Why It Matters: Influencer marketing gives ecommerce brands invaluable exposure to consumers most likely to buy their products. Data proves this vertical consistently boosts bottom lines.

🎁 #2 - Give yourself the gift of painless 2024 planning (for free)

It’s prime time for annual budgeting and planning. As DTC brand operators, you deserve tools that are purpose-built for the job. Less data wrangling and manual analysis, more strategic planning and execution.

➡️ Get a free custom 2024 budget in 24 hours with Drivepoint.

It’s possible thanks to 1-click data connections with Shopify, Amazon, QuickBooks Online, and NetSuite – and a full FP&A insights platform that DTC founders and finance teams love.

Smart brands like Graza, Oats Overnight, Curology, and Dose use Drivepoint for everything from budgeting and forecasting to scenario analysis and real-time financial reporting. 

Book a personalized demo to learn more, or create your free account and get started right away.

#3 - Lost Sales from Forgotten Internal Links

The Rundown: eCommerce sites often neglect internal linking even though it offers significant SEO, user experience, and conversion benefits.


  1. Recognize that most ecommerce sites have ample internal linking opportunities given their many product and category pages.

  2. Analyze top competitor sites to identify their internal linking priorities based on pages linked. This reveals their goals.

  3. Shape internal linking strategy around your key goals - conversion optimization, user experience, SEO boosting, etc.

  4. Implement best practices like descriptive anchor text, linking old to new pages, maintaining page relevancy.

  5. Measure impact on goals and refine over time.

Key Takeaway: Internal links seem simple but profoundly impact SEO and conversion optimization. A strategic, goal-aligned approach compounds gains over time through careful implementation and analysis.

#4 - Things Worth Checking Out

 AI - eCommerce solution provider Constructor launches AI shopping assistant

 TOOLS - Rokt to acquire AfterSell and expand Shopify User Tools

 SOCIAL - Is the US Tiktok the biggest opportunity for going global in 2024?

 TRENDS - AI and changes to third-party cookies are 2024's biggest ecommerce trends

 STOCKS - This stock has consistently outperformed Amazon for seven years

#5 - Quantum Shields for Online Shoppers

The Rundown: Chinese researchers have created a quantum protocol to encrypt online shopping transactions, aiming to safeguard them in a new era of quantum computing threats. They used quantum entanglement to generate unhackable signatures across 5 user networks.

The Details:

  • This new method guarantees non-repudiation - ensuring neither buyer nor seller can deny making an offer or payment in a transaction.

  • It combines quantum secret sharing with hashing algorithms to authenticate digital contracts and prevent fraud.

  • In a demonstration, researchers enabled swift and accurate contract signing plus financial transfers without requiring an oversight authority.

Why It Matters: This breakthrough ushers in more secure quantum-era ecommerce, thwarting risks from exponentially faster quantum hacks. It also progresses non-deniability assurances vital for trusted transactions. Widespread implementation would necessitate global upgrades, but brings us closer to practical unbreakable encryption.

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