Tuesday, December 19

The 5 things in DTC you need to know today

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  • Data, personalization & security for better AI

  • How to do ecommerce testing correctly

  • Predicting the future of customer experience

Let’s get into it👇

#1 - 📊 Data, Personalization & Security for Better AI

📰 TL;DR - Quality data is the lifeblood of effective AI. As this article explains, ecommerce companies need quality data to power personalized recommendations and predictive search. Natural language processing helps understand user intent from searches. Vector search matches visual elements. And with the right data infrastructure, all this AI can scale to meet demand.

In short, data is the critical ingredient for creating AI that delights customers with relevant products and guides them to purchases. Like, did you know visual search alone drove over $3 billion in online revenue last year? Personalized ads also deliver 6x more clicks. And 72% of shoppers feel frustrated when recommendations seem off-base.

💡 Insight - The reality is - data quality hasn't even been addressed yet, but you've also got to be thinking of what comes after. Ensuring data quality is the first step to enabling effective AI, but it's nowhere near the only one.

It's a great time to correct and enrich your data now that you have it, and continue building personalized experiences and predictive capabilities on top of it. It's also when scalability becomes paramount, so if you can demonstrate that, shout about it! I always appreciate a section that says something like "here's how we scaled this architecture to handle X transactions per second."

 #2 - 🤝 How to hire a top 1% marketer

"No more flakey freelancers! No more lies on upwork profiles! No more ambiguous pricing! I have hired dozens of marketers for all sorts of roles over the years, but I don't know how I did it without MarketerHire.

They make it 100X easier to find & manage the absolutely best talent because they already do the vetting and help to keep them accountable.

That's why I trust MarketerHire for all my freelance & marketing assistant needs!

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#3 - 🔍 The right way to ecommerce testing

📰 TL;DR - It's clear that comprehensive testing is critical for ecommerce success. This article outlines exactly why testing matters and how to approach it. Did you know that 28% of online shopping carts are abandoned, often due to technical errors or a confusing checkout process? Proper testing helps minimize lost revenue from cart abandonment. As well, 61% of users will not return to a site after a negative experience - rigorous testing improves site experience.

Testing early and often is key - smoke tests during development catch bugs, end-to-end tests replicate user journeys, and visual testing ensures proper UI/UX. A variety of test types should be employed to validate all facets of an ecommerce application and optimize conversions. Implementing a well-rounded testing strategy leads to increased customer acquisition, retention and ultimately, revenue. The article provides actionable recommendations on crafting an effective, holistic ecommerce testing approach.

💡 Insight - Every single component of an ecommerce website is an opportunity for issues that hurt conversion and revenue. So don't look at testing as a hassle, but rather an investment that pays major dividends. Start testing priority flows first - search, checkout, account creation. Then tackle global elements like the navigation and footer.

Leverage automation to catch visual regressions and broken links at scale. Go beyond function and make sure the experience aligns with brand identity and positioning. Testing accessibility, mobile compatibility, and payment integrations has become table stakes. And never stop testing - make it an iterative process to systematically improve quality over time. With a sound testing strategy, you can confidently deliver an exceptional ecommerce experience to every customer.

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#4 - 🛠️ Things worth checking out

😎 AI - 5 ways to supercharge your online store using the power of AI

🤔 PREDICTION - The future of ecommerce - experts share their view

🛠️ TOOLS - 30+ AI tools to grow your ecommerce business today

💵 PAYMENT- 60 large ecommerce brands embracing digital currency

📈 STOCKS - Here are 3 ecommerce stocks to watch out for in 2024

#5 - 📦 Predicting the future of CX

📰 TL;DR - As the world of e-commerce continues evolving, businesses must adapt to stay ahead. This piece explores 10 key ways companies can predict and embrace future customer experience trends through personalization, mobile commerce, AI integration, and more.

For example, data-driven personalization and predictive analytics allow tailored offerings to individual needs, driving loyalty. Additionally, crafting seamless omnichannel journeys across devices builds consistency. Moreover, efficient returns management strategies reinforce customer trust and satisfaction.

💡 Insight - I really think privacy and data protection will be crucial marketing focuses in 2024. As consumers grow more concerned about how their personal information is used, brands that prioritize transparency and consent around data collection will have a major advantage. Making privacy policies clear and explicit while only gathering necessary user data will build vital trust.

With regulations evolving as well, ensuring ethical and secure data usage practices should inform strategy across channels next year. From personalization to automation and beyond, respecting consumer consent enables all other marketing innovations. I always appreciate when a company explains plainly what data they need, how it improves my experience, and the controls I have.

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