Thursday, January 5

The 5 things in DTC you need to know today

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  • E-Commerce and AI: A Perfect Match

  • One Year to Get It Right

  • Maximizing Profits in the Age of AI

Let’s get into it👇

#1 - E-Commerce and AI: A Perfect Match

The Rundown: Sales over Thanksgiving weekend broke records, reaching $5.6 billion. This represents a significant shift towards e-commerce and highlights the growing importance of technologies like AI to remain competitive.

Key points:

  • E-commerce sales continue to rapidly accelerate, growing almost 20% over last year

  • AI tools can help e-commerce businesses boost sales through personalized recommendations, optimized inventory and logistics, improved marketing and fraud prevention

  • However, AI adoption faces challenges around data, privacy, complex existing infrastructure and specialized personnel required

  • Businesses that effectively leverage AI will have a substantial advantage in the growing e-commerce marketplace

The relevance: This exponential growth in e-commerce sales signals a seismic shift in how consumers shop and interact with brands. As more business moves online, AI will become vital to managing complexity and enhancing the customer experience through personalization and automation.

#2 - How to hire a top 1% marketer 

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They are currently running a promo of 20% off, lifetime, on current prices.

#3 - One Year to Get It Right

The Rundown: Launching an ecommerce business is daunting, but following a few key tips over the next year can set you up for long-term success.


  1. Start small and lean, avoid overspending on ads and infrastructure before you validate your market. Bootstrapping forces creativity.

  2. Obsess over your niche target customer and let that guide each business decision in year one. Mass market later.

  3. Talk to your potential clients daily, not just when trying to make a sale. Build authentic community and understanding.

  4. Systematically test platforms, product types, images, copy, offers over the year. Small iterative experiments beat big risky bets.

  5. As you scale, stay grounded in your differentiating origin story and mission. Culture and values matter most when it gets hard.

The idea: The future of retail has unprecedented opportunities, but it won't stand still. Agile learning is the only way to play the long game.

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#4 - Maximizing Profits in the Age of AI

The Rundown: Ecommerce retailers must optimize operations and embrace new technologies to stay profitable amidst rising competition and shifting consumer preferences.

The details:

  • Accurately calculating profit margins enables data-driven decision making

  • Evaluating fulfillment and production processes reduces operational inefficiencies

  • Multichannel selling through social media expands customer reach

  • AI personalization tools boost conversion rates and customer retention

Why it matters: As ecommerce grows exponentially, competition erodes margins. Retailers must leverage analytics, automation and personalization to identify new efficiencies, lower costs and maximize sales. Companies that fail to adapt will not survive the next decade of transformative change.

➡️ You can read the article here...

#5 - Maximum Profits on Meta

The Rundown: Meta's powerful algorithms and vast reach offer major money-making potential for ads, if leveraged properly.

The process:

  • Lean into Meta's automation and let its systems handle more targeting/optimization.

  • Test different campaign types and creative to see what works.

  • Tightly track conversions to sales, not just clicks and leads.

For ecommerce:

  • Use broad targeting to let Meta find the buyers.

  • Optimize for purchases, not add-to-carts or clicks.

  • Attribute sales to 7-day clicks to allow for longer journey.

Actionable tip: Meta's algorithms crunch an unimaginable amount of data. Trust them to find your buyers. Focus on tight tracking and creative testing to maximize profits.

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