Monday, May 1

Today's DTC news, tips, & tools you need to know

🎁 Report: Is it worth it to send gifts to influencers?

📰 TL;DR - A new report from Traackr looks into influencer “product seeding” — essentially, sending free gifts in exchange in hopes of some social posts or a review. There are some promising stats up top, such as that 92% of marketers agree sending gifts has driven awareness, and 76% say this practice has driven sales. But, on the flip side, 61% of marketers said less than 50% of influencers sent gifts actually posted on social media.

💡 Insight - There’s a lot in this report to dig into, including just how much marketers are spending on this type of gifting (a lot!). I think the big takeaway here is that while gifting can lead to sales and awareness, you need to be careful with who you’re sending free product to. Obviously, this is Traackr’s message given what their product is (influencer marketing software). But however you do it, make sure you do research and target influencers most likely to give you some ROI.

📈 How Fulton increased sales by 313%*

📰 TL;DR - Fulton was able to increase Paid Media investment astoundingly. The secret? HYPE10! With a 192% increase in Paid Media investment, Fulton saw a 313% increase in sales. Book a free audit with HYPE10 today and start seeing results for your brand.

💡 Insight - HYPE10's expertise in Paid Media Marketing is unparalleled. Just look at Fulton, who saw a 192% increase in investment and a 313% increase in sales with their help. HYPE10's cutting-edge tools and proprietary strategy ensure that your investment is optimized for maximum performance. They serve as a true strategic partner, providing white-glove service and real-time communication.

➡️ Ready to take your brand's Paid Media to the next level? Book your free audit with HYPE10 today. Visit here.

🥤 Pepsi and Coke are coming for Olipop

📰 TL;DR - Olipop is one of the buzziest brands in the food and bev world, combining gut health with a tasty soda. The brand is in track to see more than $200 million in product in 2023. Impressive! And that means big players like Coke and Pepsi have come knocking. Olipop’s founder and CEO, however, isn’t ready to bite.

💡 Insight - Olipop is such a success story because they understand how to innovate a product as simple and ubiquitous as soda. Gwenyth Paltrow is among their many investors. Despite that success, Olipop considers itself in the early stages. The fact that they’re rebuffing advances from buyers is rather heartening. Olipop didn’t start as a DTC brand, but moved in that direction. I’d call that a vote of confidence for the DTC space.

🔮 Omnichannel is the future

📰 TL;DR - DTC brands are moving to retail, retail brands are bolstering their online presence. What gives? This article concludes that shoppers are looking for an omnichannel experience. In fact, 66% of shoppers prefer a hybrid experience, which could be, for example, a combo of online research but picking a product up in person. There are lots of numbers in this report to consider.

💡 Insight - While I definitely don’t think purely DTC brands can’t thrive in this climate, there is something to be said about how many DTC brands are adding complementary retail channels. Diversifying revenue and targeting shoppers both IRL and online is just a smart strategy. However, I also think DTC-only brands can learn from this by creating marketing that targets competition found in retail stores. When someone searches for a product online, will they find you? Can you make the case why they should buy instead of just price compare?

��️ Things worth checking out

🔥 LEAD GEN* - Phonesites has delivered more than 1.7 million leads through their 500+ high-converting mobile-optimized landing page templates. Get started for free here.

💌 EMAIL* - There’s a reason more than 500,000 brands send a combined 200 million emails every day through sendinblue’s automation platform. Signup for free here.

🚨 CTAs - Here’s a list of 10 CTAs to try. They’re not e-comm specific, but may inspire you! Read it here.

🧮 ROI MATH - A nice refresher from Shopify on how to calculate ROI for marketing. Read it here.

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