Monday, April 1

Hi, to all you hard working DTC enthusiasts!

We have some thrilling news to share with you—please give a warm welcome to Ibrahim Masood, our new in-house DTC expert!

Ibrahim brings with him a wealth of experience and insights from his seven years in the direct-to-consumer (DTC) space, and we're absolutely thrilled to have him on board. Our newsletter is about to get a major upgrade! 🚀

Here's what you can expect:

• Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday Insights 📩

Ibrahim will add value with his expert analysis and insider knowledge on all things DTC with his own column within the newsletter. Get ready for invaluable insights to boost your business strategy and stay ahead of the curve.

• Wednesday Deep Dive Case Studies 🔍

Dive deep into real-world DTC success stories and learn from the strategies and tactics that have propelled brands to the top. Ibrahim will dissect these case studies, offering you actionable takeaways for your own ventures. Keep an eye out for these special issues in your inbox every Wednesday.

• Friday Q&A Session ❓

Have burning questions about your DTC business? Ibrahim's got you covered! Every Friday, he'll be addressing your inquiries, providing personalized advice to help you overcome challenges and unlock growth opportunities.

Growth often comes from unexpected places. As we build and refine complex things, it's easy to focus narrowly on the technical details instead of the emotional impact.

When Henry Ford invented the Model T, it was a radical upgrade to the status quo. The addition of an electric starter motor in 1912 took the process of starting a car from difficult and unpredictable to simple and consistent. This upgrade made cars far more appealing to a mass market.

Similarly, the addition of Ibrahim's expertise represents a meaningful upgrade to our newsletter. His depth of knowledge and generosity in sharing insights can accelerate the growth for many.

It's often the small moments of friction we remove that end up making the biggest difference over time. Consistent quality and care for the reader turn casual visitors into loyal community members.

As we continue on this journey, we'll keep our focus on serving your needs above all else. Please let us know how we can better help you apply what you learn here to grow what matters most.

Stay tuned for our next newsletter, where Ibrahim will kick off his inaugural column with insights that you wouldn’t want to miss!

Thank you for being a part of our community, and here's to an exciting journey ahead together.