Friday Q&As

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Hope you’ve had a great week!

It’s Friday, meaning, it’s time for some Q&As..


Question from Hilary (CMO): Can you please talk about the most effective ads or ways to grow an email list. Specifically - what ads result in people clicking to a site and then giving their email/ text.

ie. what magnets are currently working / other incentives?

if helpful - specifically targeting moms & grandmas.


My Response: The fastest way to grow an email list, in my opinion, is to drive paid traffic to a targeted landing page, and then have a spin wheel pop-up shortly after a visitor lands.

You can find this example on

While the volume of the subscribers would be huge in this scenario, I don’t recommend this though, since the quality of the subscribers won’t be that great.

Instead, try and see if you can introduce a quiz, and subscribers could receive their personalized quiz outcome via their email, although that should be kept as optional, or most people would just bounce. This is great because you get to collect zero-party data as well from the subscribers, and can leverage it for a lot of things such as targeted reviews, personalised email flows, etc.

Regardless if you have a spin-wheel or not, definitely recommend building out a personalized landing page that’s specifically targeted towards the audience you’re trying to go after. Since you mentioned you have 2 primary audience, which is moms & grandmas, definitely build 2 LPs for them, and then drive the paid media traffic to. Peel Away’s 2 primary audience is Moms & Caregivers (grandmas are our audience too). Here’s 2 LPs build for these 2 audience—Moms & Caregivers.

You’ll notice the pop-ups I’ve built are pretty simple, but I don’t think you need a fancy one. As long as you’re speaking to an audience in a language they can understand, make it relatable, convince them the product could help them, they’ll make that purchase or give you their email at the very least.

At the end of it, growing an email list is a by-product of getting the fundamentals right.

Question from Tsitsi (owner): I'm drowning in debt and have no funds to market anymore, how do I recover?

My response: I’m really sorry to hear about your situation. I’m not a qualified financial advisor, so I can’t really advice you, but I’ll share a few things I’d have done if I was in your shoes:

1. Assess and Prioritize

  • List all the debts: Write down each debt, including the creditor, total amount owed, interest rate, and minimum monthly payment

  • Track expenses: Identify all your expenses to understand where your money is going and where you can cut back

2. Create a lean budget

  • Prioritize essentials: Ensure that you cover essentials such as housing, food, utilities, and minimum debt payments

  • Eliminate Non-Essentials: Cut out non-essential expenses to free up funds for debt repayment and necessary business expenses

3. Increase income

  • Freelance and gig work: Take on freelance projects or gig work that can provide immediate income (if you have a high-income skill)

  • Utilize your time: Offer consulting services that align with your expertise

  • Sell unused assets: Consider selling items you no longer need

4. Optimize your current business

  • Content marketing: Write blog posts, and create social media content. Leverage all the other organic channels as much as you can. This is your best bet until you recover from the debt

  • SEO: Improve your website’s SEO to drive organic traffic. Focus on creating quality content that answers common questions and provides value to your audience. At least get the basic SEO done!

  • Social Media: Engage with your audience and participate in relevant groups and discussions

  • Email marketing: Use email marketing to stay in touch with your current customers and potential customers. Never discontinue this..

  • Collaborate with other businesses: Partner with complementary businesses to cross-promote products

  • Influencer marketing: Reach out to influencers who might be willing to promote your products in exchange for free products or a commission on sales

5. Debt management: negotiate with the Creditors

  • Request lower Interest Rates: Contact your creditors to negotiate lower interest rates or extended payment plans

  • Debt Consolidation: Consider consolidating your debts into a single loan with a lower interest rate. A lot of the banks do offer this solution!

  • Seek Professional help: If needed, consult a financial advisor or a debt management service for professional advice, but if you’re hiring, would definitely recommend hiring a good one as there a lot of them out there that are just ready to s*ck the money out of people for little to no-value

6. Mental well-being

  • Stay positive: Focus on small victories and progress, and stay motivated

  • Seek support: Talk to friends, family, or a professional counselor to help manage stress and stay focused

7. Long-term Strategy

  • Review Business Model: Assess your business model to find areas for improvement or new revenue streams

  • Innovate: Consider new product offerings or that align with market needs and trends

By focusing on these steps, you should be able to gradually rebuild your marketing efforts. Hope that helps!

Email Question from Maria:

Hello there,

Thank you so much for this interesting email.

If it is possible it would be great to understand all the phase of the funnel and which ads use for each level of it.  Is this possible? Otherwise any suggestions on article or source where is can dive the topic?

Us usual thank you so much for all the info shared


My Response: Good question! I’ll dedicate my next deep dive to your question.

Email Question from Hilary: “If you have high click-through rate (CTR), it’s not an ad problem, it’s a landing page or a website problem (and the problem could be anything—average product, offer, etc.). If you have low CTR, that’s when you know you’ve gotta work on your overall ad”

What would you consider a high CTR?



My Response: CTR between 1-2% is considered to be fine, but anything above 2.5% is considered healthy, above average, and high. If you have a CTR of 3-4%, I’d consider that to be really high.

Email from Rusty:

Ibrahim, this is a fantastic email.  Thank you for the work you put into this.  I'm in the position of having just launched my brand two weeks ago and finding the right combination of audience and creative to start getting sales ramped up.  It's a process and you outlined it all very well in this email.


Response: Thank you!

Alright folks, that’s it for today.

Have any questions? Feel free to ask here.

Have a great weekend!


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