Friday, January 26

The 5 things in DTC you need to know today

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🚨 In today’s newsletter 🚨

  • The Personalization Revolution in eCommerce

  • Guarding the Online Storefront

  • Tracking the Expanding Carbon Footprint of eCommerce

Let’s get into it👇

#1 - The Personalization Revolution

The Rundown: E-commerce platforms are harnessing data and AI to offer hyper-personalized, real-time shopping experiences tailored to each customer.

The details:

  • Platforms are tracking browsing behavior, purchase history, and consumer data to make personalized recommendations and offers.

  • New technologies allow for customizing product displays and shopping journeys for each user.

  • Real-time messaging and on-site support can provide personalized guidance and advice during the shopping process.

Why it matters: This shift promises to revolutionize online shopping by making it faster, easier, and more relevant to each shopper. However, concerns around data privacy remain.

#2 - Hire Top Marketing Talent With Ease

The Solution: MarketerHire vets and matches clients with top 1% marketing talent, making it easy to find skilled help for your business.

The Offer:

  • No more wasting time on unreliable freelancers or ambiguous job posts

  • Vetted marketing talent matched to your specific needs

  • Accountability measures to ensure work quality

  • Ongoing support to manage and optimize talent

  • Discounted pricing for early adopters

Why you need it: Finding and keeping excellent marketing help is essential for business growth, but the process is often frustrating. MarketerHire simplifies it.

#3 - Guarding the Online Storefront

The Rundown: Small ecommerce sites face hacking threats that can lead to stolen customer payment data. Recent attacks exploited older security flaws.

Steps to take:

  1. Maintain an inventory of IT assets and software. Know what you have deployed.

  2. Regularly patch systems and update software. Prioritize fixes for known vulnerabilities.

  3. Implement preventative software like EDR to detect and automatically block attacks.

  4. Consider working with a managed security services provider to test defenses.

  5. Make cybersecurity processes intrinsic to daily operations.

Key Takeaway: Even small shops must vigilantly guard against data theft. The key is understanding your tech stack and partners who can help lock the online "doors."

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#4 - Things Worth Checking Out

 AI - This is how AI helps detect and prevent fraud on ecommerce platforms

 TOOLS - 7 best website builders for ecommerce to choose from

 REPORT - 8 in 10 consumers are highly satisfied with online marketplace shopping

MARKETING - 17 key influencer marketing statistics to fuel your strategy

 TRENDS - Top ecommerce trends changing how we shop in 2024

#5 - Tracking the Expanding Carbon Footprint of eCommerce

The Rundown: Emissions from ecommerce are growing exponentially, but methods exist to understand and reduce this impact.

The details:

  • Online retail generates significant greenhouse gas emissions - from powering data centers to transporting purchases.

  • Techniques like supply chain analysis and carbon accounting software can calculate the carbon footprint.

  • Consumer shipping and packaging choices also affect the emissions substantially.

Why it matters: As online shopping booms, reining in its climate impact is vital for sustainability and an ecommerce brand's reputation.

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