Friday, August 25

The 5 things in DTC you need to know today

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#1 - 👑 Facebook is still king, at least for some

📰 TL;DR - For all the talk about TikTok and other trendy social media platforms, marketers still prefer Facebook. According to this, 90% of marketers choose Facebook for their social media advertising. For context, marketers chose Facebook 10% more than Instagram and three times more than TikTok. I mean, to be fair, Facebook has some 2.9 billion active users. Interestingly LinkedIn is also coming in hot, with 65% of marketers using it. YouTube was at 54% and Twitter/X at 44%. Only 26% of people said TikTok was their top platform.

💡 Insight - Looking at these numbers you might be thinking: should I be doing more with Facebook? And I’d give some words of caution. Yes, Facebook is huge, but it very much depends on who your core audience is. If it’s moms, or older customers, or perhaps home goods, then sure. But you should also know Facebook is where the youth aren’t. Gen Z and even millennials are turning away from Facebook in droves. I’d say if you want to target people 35 and under, Instagram and perhaps moreso YouTube and TikTok are your friends. Facebook definitely has its uses, just do some demographic research first.

#2 -  This award-winning app helps you get informed and inspired

In a world oversaturated with content, Flipboard makes it easy for you to discover stories that you care about including stories from DTC Daily and other leading marketing publishers. Pick from thousands of topics, save stories in a Magazine, and connect with other enthusiasts.

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#3 - 🔥 5 hot UGC tips

📰 TL;DR - The name of the game in DTC video ads is UGC, but how do you make it good? This thread from Fraser Cottrell has some great tips. Some are basic but solid, like casting the right people. Make your stars look the same as your customers. Next, think about editing. The lightning-fast approach that’s become popular on YouTube might not make sense for your brand. The one I like most is creating relevant hooks. Don’t make clickbait and don’t try and pretend your ad isn’t an ad — people don’t like being tricked. Put your product up front and make your hook work with it.

💡 Insight - These are good, especially since I have noticed UGC ads getting pretty stale lately in the UGC space. A lot of people are using similar hooks and editing styles. And look, it works! That style is working right now! And with something like TikTok, you’ve got a beast you’ve got to keep feeding, it’s a lot of pressure to be wholly original every single time. But I would like to see some ingenuity. I’d especially love to see brands who aren’t afraid to get weird. TikTok for example is at its best when it’s off the wall and original, and that should apply to ads, too. This is me daring you to get out of your comfort zone.

#4 - 🛠️ Things worth checking out

🐳 DATA - Triple Whale is easily my favorite DTC data analytics and analysis tool, check it out here.

📦 INVENTORY - Now that supply chains are getting back to normal, something new is plaguing inventories: inflation. Read more here.

🤖 AI - We’re all very jazzed about using AI for e-commerce, but what are the ethical considerations? Read here.

👿 RISKS - E-commerce isn’t without risks, from fraudulent returns to non-delivery losses. Get a handle on the landscape here.

🏡 MILLENNIALS - I thought this was pretty smart — Home Depot has created a hub targeted at millennial first-time homeowners. Check it out.

#5 - 🔎 How to make your search bar shine

📰 TL;DR - Here’s some great and practical advice for how to improve the search function on your e-commerce site. Like, for example, if your search bar even prominent? Don’t make people go looking for it! Also, you really need to make sure your catalog is airtight with tags, titles, and descriptions so the search bar even has a chance to work right. From there, you can level up with things like autocomplete, incorporating AI-powered natural language processing, and accounting for misspellings.

💡 Insight - I’ve seen multiple articles lately pointing out that customers generally find e-commerce search functions to be pretty damn bad. And what a basic and silly thing to lose a sale over. Your e-commerce platform of choice probably came with a built-in search function, and I really encourage you to stress test it and upgrade it however you can. Do not trust it to be great out of the box. The Shopify app store, for example, is full of products to make your search better, take a look at them.

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