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🛍 DTC Daily - Wednesday, Mar 22

Today's DTC news, tips, & tools you need to know

🍪 Girl Scouts spark e-commerce cookie craze

📰 TL;DR - What was meant to be a lesson in e-commerce for the Girl Scouts turned into a lesson in scarcity. This year, the Girl Scouts created an online-exclusive cookie flavor, the Raspberry Rally. Rather than sell them door-to-door, Girl Scouts would get a link to share for purchase online. The goal was for the girls to learn about e-commerce but what actually happened is they all sold out and people started reselling them on eBay for many times the original price.

💡 Insight - I think this was a rather sweet and earnest attempt by the Girl Scouts organization to try something new. But what really caught my attention is the girls mentioned in this article were disappointed they never actually got to hold or taste the cookies, even though they were selling them. Sort of reminds me of blindly dropshipping. Even kids want to stand behind their product.

🔥 Even more 2023 e-commerce trends

📰 TL;DR - Yep, it's another article with predicted e-commerce trends for the year. There are a lot of the usual suspects on this list, like using AI, personalization, sustainability, and augmented reality. But there are also a few things I haven't seen on other lists. Like 80/20 customer segmentation, for one. Or, the fact that pricing pressure is at a high, both with people pinching pennies and the quick ability to price check with competitors, especially Amazon.

💡 Insight - We've seen enough of these trend pieces that we can start calling out what's been consistent across them all, and I think it's personalization and subscriptions. More than ever, customers expect their shopping experience to be catered to them, with things like product recommendations and personalized marketing. As for subscriptions, all the evidence points to them being a potential win if offered.

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👁 One resale platform to rule them all

📰 TL;DR - A Shanghai-based company is making luxury resale more straightforward for bargain hunters. dejaWOOO brings together multiple luxury resale sites into one search engine. That means no more scouring individual sites for whatever the customer is looking for, or doing manual price comparisons. It currently only pulls from a pre-selected list of luxury reseller sites.

💡 Insight - This is a really cool concept for consumers, and if you resell luxury goods you should definitely drop them a line. It also makes me wonder if we'd ever see something similar for DTC brands. There is Shopify's Shop app, but it has a limited number of brands and to be honest, I'm not sure how widely the app itself is used. Lastly, I see dejaWOOO as yet another vote of confidence that resale is on the up and up.

👕 How Oodie runs its ad campaigns

📰 TL;DR - A little while ago, Carl Weische put out a paper going over Oodie's product page strategy. Now, he has a case study video about the brand's advertising game. It's a pretty in-depth video and it goes over how they structured their ad campaigns, funnels, and the actual design of the ads, like the thumbnails.

💡 Insight - This is some pretty great insight and will only cost about 35 minutes of your time. You might not yet have the ad budget of Oodie (or maybe you do!) but no matter the size of your brand, I'm sure there's a lesson or two you can pick up from this.

💰 Don't worry, Gen Z is still spending

📰 TL;DR - A lot of us are worried about the so-called looming recession, but Gen Z is still happily spending away. According to a new report from Jungle Scout, Gen Z was the least likely to say that inflation has impacted their spending. Additionally, 32% of them shop online at least once per day. For Millennials, that was only 25%, and for Gen X, just 15%. Gen Z is also more likely to shop pre-loved goods, with 42% participating in the resale market over the last year.

💡 Insight - Simply put: if Gen Z is happy to keep spending, you should be happy to give them some attention. Certainly do some research into Gen Z marketing tips and tricks, but some of the broad strokes are that Gen Z is particularly attracted to bold, socially-conscious values, such as commitments to sustainability and diversity in marketing. They're also leading the resale trend, so if you have a resale channel, focus your marketing on this cohort.

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