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  • 🛍 DTC Daily - Tuesday, Mar 21

🛍 DTC Daily - Tuesday, Mar 21

Today's DTC news, tips, & tools you need to know

🤖 10 AI tools for personalization

📰 TL;DR - Eli Weiss, a senior director at Jones Road, tweeted a thread of 10 AI tools you can use to personalize customer communications. These span from personalized CRM videos to using ChatGPT for customer support. Other apps on the list use AI for smart predictions, like as a personalized shopping assistant.

💡 Insight - As Weiss points out, personalization can offer a big boost to revenue and conversion. It's also one of the aspects of DTC that gives it a leg up over retail. In an ideal world, you'd have employees performing these tasks, but realistically, AI is cheaper and more accessible. And for all the talk of the supposed million things something like ChatGPT can do, these are all very practical applications of AI.

🤳🏽 How DTC unicorn Harry's created UGC videos with ease*

So you run content for a fast-growing billion-dollar DTC men's razor brand and need to generate a ton of UGC for organic social, ads, and your website from your target audience. How do you find the right creators, scale the process, and manage usage rights?

Sounds like an overwhelming task? It doesn't have to be if you lean on minisocial like Harry's does!

All you need to do is write a simple creative brief, approve the micro-influencers minisocial books and manages for you, and watch the fully-licensed UGC content come flying in. Say goodbye to generic, bland content and hello to our friends at minisocial!

Check them out here.

*Want to get in front of ~35,000+ Founders & Marketers? Click here

📖 Hydro Flask debuts trade-in program

📰 TL;DR - Although Hydro Flask's golden moment as the VSCO girl vessel of choice has faded, they're still a major player in the reusable bottle trend. Now, they're launching a trade-in program for all products. Every item traded in earns customers a $5 promo code and items can be shipped back easily without even needing a packing box. Hydro Flask will disassemble and recycle as much of the products as possible.

💡 Insight - This is like a neat spin on the resale trend. Obviously, bottles aren't really appropriate for resale, but this program is in the same vein of sustainability. We know that Hydro Flask has a certain sway with Gen Z, and we also know that Gen Z cares more than other generations about sustainable shopping. Sounds like a win-win for Hydro Flask.

🏬 How to get your products into retail

📰 TL;DR - Paul Goodman, a veteran DTC entrepreneur, tweeted a thread with a simple guide to getting your products into retail stores. First, he recommends, start local. From there, create an irresistible offer with free samples. Next... well, go read the thread.

💡 Insight - If you're a DTC brand, retail might not even be on your radar. But there's definitely a notable trend over the last year or so of DTC brands pushing into retail as a way to diversify their revenue. And while I'm sure we'd all like to be in Targets across America right away, starting small and local is a smart way to build a customer base and show proof of concept.

📚 6 e-commerce courses to kick off your growth

📰 TL;DR - Here's a list of 6 e-commerce courses that can help you gain the knowledge needed to further your entrepreneurial goals. I like that this list covers multiple aspects — from starting an online business, to SEO, to store design. All are based online, including on accessible platforms like Skillshare. Some are even free!

💡 Insight - There are a lot of people out there who want to sell you an e-commerce crash course for several hundred dollars, especially on places like YouTube and TikTok. Skip those and check these out. It's also worth noting that there's this myth that successful e-commerce entrepreneurs figured everything out on their own. Sure, some have, but courses like these will give you a leg up, or round out your expertise in niche areas you might know less about.

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