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  • 🛍 DTC Daily - Thursday, Mar 16

🛍 DTC Daily - Thursday, Mar 16

Today's DTC news, tips, & tools you need to know

💙 Customers rushed to save this store after the SVB collapse

📰 TL;DR - When SVB bank imploded, CAMP was in big trouble. The online toy brand was suddenly unable to access the cash needed to keep the business going. So, CEO Ben Kaufman sent out a plea to all its customers: please help. In a plain text email, they explained the situation and offered a 40% off coupon code, "BANKRUN." The result? More sales in 48 hours than they'd normally have in a month.

💡 Insight - CAMP took a big risk. They weren't promoting a cool new toy or running a normal sale, they were asking customers to help them survive. The fact that customers did just that shows incredible brand loyalty. They haven't just built a customer list, they've built a community — one invested in the company, not just an individual product. Could you say the same about your customer base?

♻️ A very smart idea for reusing ad content

📰 TL;DR - Here's a rather brilliant type of ad you can put together, from Savannah Sanchez, an ad creative and TikTok ad expert. She tweeted that, at least once per month, she puts together a compilation ad. These ads are a mash-up of footage from previous ads, remixed with music and a voice-over. She even goes into detail about how to craft the perfect one.

💡 Insight - I love this idea because it's a low-lift way to create a new ad. If you've been posting videos on TikTok or Instagram, you've probably accumulated a ton of footage and random b-roll. This is a way to put them back to work and create an ad without the need to film something totally new. This is also great if, for example, you outsourced initial production but want to make the most of that spend by reusing footage. You could even easily put these together in TikTok's native editor. Smart!

📈 These product categories are set to grow

📰 TL;DR - Insider Intelligence has a look at what categories within e-commerce are expected to grow within the next five years. We'll get right to it. They are: auto and parts, food and beverage, and personal care. Food and beverage, for example, is predicted to grow from 8.6% to 10.5% of the e-commerce pie. We can also see that the staples of apparel and accessories and furniture and home furnishings are set to remain stable. 

💡 Insight - Being Insider Intelligence, you'll need to pay to see the full report, which digs deeper into the overall future of e-commerce in the US. But even this preview graphic is useful. If you're looking to expand into new product offerings, this can spark some ideas. You can also see what other categories are set to drop, or remain strong. 

👀 New e-commerce product releases to watch

📰 TL;DR - Practical Ecommerce posted its latest roundup of new e-commerce products available on the market. Here are some highlights:

  • ShipStation has a new manager for dropshipping

  • Loop has a new app for benchmarking returns

  • BigCommerce has a new "buy online and pick up in store" feature

  • AfterShip has new upsell and cross-sell tools for Shopify Plus

💡 Insight - It's always a good idea to keep abreast of new product releases for e-commerce merchants — you never know when the next game-changing app will be available. I'm especially interested in the AfterShip launch. It's powered by AI and provides personal offers on product pages, in the cart, and post-purchase. As we've seen, personalization is one of the great advantages of the DTC model and this is a way to harness that.

📦 What to expect from Shopify's Deliverr integration

📰 TL;DR - Last year, Shopify acquired Deliverr for a cool $2.1 billion. It's an e-commerce fulfillment service that's heavy on software and networking, and the idea is that it reduces fixed costs like the ones Amazon has to contend with. For merchants, a service like Delieverr promises one-stop, easier fulfillment, and the allure of faster delivery. They're calling this "elastic warehouse capacity."

💡 Insight - Apparently, Deliverr adoption is still relatively low among Shopify merchants, but Shopify obviously wants this to change by the time the integration is complete. A fulfillment service like this is a move to compete with Amazon, but the question is how many merchants are willing to spend on the service, even with the offered perks. 

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