Deep Dive Wednesdays

🗣 Running a B2B and want to reach 40,342 DTC Brands? Start here…

Happy Wednesday!

Last week, I received an email from Maria, and I promised in the last Q&A that I’d do a deep dive on her question this week. Below is what the email said:

Hello there,

Thank you so much for this interesting email.

If it is possible it would be great to understand all the phase of the funnel and which ads use for each level of it.  Is this possible? Otherwise any suggestions on article or source where is can dive the topic?

As usual thank you so much for all the info shared


So to answer this, I’ll break down the different phases of a DTC funnel, and also share the different ad types you can use within each phase, along with the examples, although you don’t have to stick to this exact framework.

Please note, to make it simpler and easier, I’ll use an example brand as Peelaways.

Alright, let’s get into it..


How To Increase Your Engagement By 90%!

It's no secret that User Generated Content content is powerful - but did you know that UGC from minisocial can increase engagement by 90%? 

That's why major e-commerce brands like DoorDash, Olipop, Native, Imperfect Foods, and a thousand more lean on [minisocial] to find, vet, and manage UGC creators. 

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It's that easy!


Breaking down the DTC Ad funnel

As a DTC brand, guiding potential customers through a seamless journey from awareness to retention is crucial, and that’s primarily a Marketer’s job, although there are a lot of other folks involved in between such as CX team, etc.

1. Awareness Phase (Top of the Funnel)

Goal: Introduce Peelaways to a broad audience and spark initial interest


  • Create Engaging Video Ads: Producing short, 15-second videos demonstrating the unique convenience of Peelaways. Showing real-life scenarios where changing bed sheets quickly and easily is a game-changer!

    • Example: A Mom effortlessly changing Peelaways disposable bed sheets

    • Headline: Revolutionize Your Bedtime Routine with Peelaways!

    • Copy: "Discover the hassle-free way to keep your bed clean. Perfect for parents, caregivers, and anyone who values convenience"

    • Call to Action: "Learn More"

  • Utilize Carousel Ads: Highlighting different use cases for Peelaways in a single ad. Showing how it benefits parents, elderly care, and travelers!

    • Example: A carousel showcasing Peelaways for kids, elderly care, and travelers

    • Headline: "Peelaways—Convenient for Every Lifestyle"

    • Copy: "From parents to elderly care, Peelaways makes life easier. Swipe to see how!"

    • Call to Action: "Explore More"

  • High Quality Static Ads: Using striking images that emphasize the product’s hygiene and convenience

    • Example: A clean, bright image of Peelaways being peeled off the bed

    • Headline: "Stay Fresh with Peelaways"

    • Copy: "Hygienic, convenient, and easy to use. Try Peelaways today!"

    • Call to Action: "Shop Now"

2. Interest Phase (Middle of the Funnel)

Goal: Engage and nurture potential customers who have shown interest


  • Retarget with Video Ads: Targeting users who watched your awareness video, but didn’t take the next step. Providing more detailed information or answering common questions..

    • Example: A video addressing FAQs about Peelaways

    • Headline: "Why Choose Peelaways?"

    • Copy: "Learn how Peelaways can make your life easier and cleaner"

    • Call to Action: "Learn More"

  • Showcase Testimonials with Carousel Ads: Using customer reviews and product features to build trust

    • Example: A carousel featuring customer testimonials and product close-ups

    • Headline: "Real Reviews from Real Customers"

    • Copy: "See what our customers are saying about Peelaways."

    • Call to Action: "Read Reviews"

  • Link to Engaging Content with Image Ads: Direct users to blog posts or how-to guides

    • Example: An image linking to a blog post about the benefits of Peelaways

    • Headline: "The Benefits of Peelaways"

    • Copy: "Discover how Peelaways can save you time and effort"

    • Call to Action: "Read More"

3. Consideration Phase (Middle to Bottom of the Funnel)

Goal: Turn interested prospects into buyers


  • Announce Special Offers with Video Ads: Highlight discounts, limited-time offers, or special deals to create urgency

    • Example: A video announcing a 20% off sale

    • Headline: "Save 20% on Peelaways Today!"

    • Copy: "Limited time offer. Get your Peelaways now and save 20%”

    • Call to Action: "Shop Now"

  • Note: I haven’t put a lot of thought into copies for these specific examples. I’m only sharing them so you get a gist of it. You can obviously get a lot more creative when it comes to headline and the copy.

  • Showcase Bundles with Carousel Ads: Display product bundles and seasonal promotions

    • Example: A carousel showing different Peelaways’ bundles

    • Headline: "Bundle Up and Save with Peelaways"

    • Copy: "Get the best deals on Peelaways’ bundles. Perfect for Caregivers!"

    • Call to Action: "Shop Bundles"

  • Demonstrate Product Use with Video Ads: Create how-to videos showing Peelaways in action

    • Example: A step-by-step demonstration of changing Peelaways sheets

    • Headline: "How to Use Peelaways"

    • Copy: "See how easy it is to change your bed sheets with Peelaways"

    • Call to Action: "Watch Now"

4. Conversion Phase (Bottom of the Funnel)

Goal: Convert leads into paying customers


  • Create Urgency with Static Ads: Highlight limited-time discounts and stock availability

    • Example: An image ad with a countdown timer for a 25% off sale

    • Headline: "Last Chance to Save 25% on Peelaways!"

    • Copy: "Hurry! Offer ends in 24 hours. Shop now and save"

    • Call to Action: "Shop Now"

  • Remind with Cart Abandonment Ads: Target users who left items in their cart with a compelling message to complete their purchase

    • Example: A reminder video for cart abandonment

    • Headline: "Don't Forget Your Peelaways"

    • Copy: "You left something behind. Complete your purchase now and enjoy fresh sheets every night"

    • Call to Action: "Complete Purchase"

  • Build Trust with Testimonial Ads: Show user reviews and ratings to validate their decision

    • Example: An image ad featuring a glowing testimonial

    • Headline: "Loved by Our Customers"

    • Copy: "See why our customers love Peelaways. Join them today!"

    • Call to Action: "Read Reviews" if you’d like to test directing them to reviews page, or just go with the “Shop Now”

5. Retention Phase (Post-Purchase)

Goal: Encourage repeat purchases and build brand loyalty


  • Promote Loyalty Programs with Video Ads: Highlight rewards for repeat purchases

    • Example: A video explaining the Peelaways loyalty program

    • Headline: "Join the Peelaways Loyalty Program!"

    • Copy: "Earn points with every purchase and get exclusive discounts. Sign up today!"

    • Call to Action: "Sign Up"

  • Educate with Product Usage Tips Carousel Ads: Provide tips, tricks and some useful stuff for maximizing product use

    • Example: A carousel with product usage tips

    • Headline: "Get the Most Out of Peelaways"

    • Copy: "Discover tips and tricks for using Peelaways. Swipe to learn more!"

    • Call to Action: "Learn More"

  • Cross-Sell/Upsell with Static Ads: Suggest related products or bundle offers to increase order value

    • Example: An image ad promoting complementary products

    • Headline: "Complete Your Purchase with These"

    • Copy: "Check out our complementary products and save when you bundle"

    • Call to Action: "Shop Now"

Note: While Meta ads can be effective for retention, leveraging email marketing for this phase is often more cost-effective, especially for smaller brands. For big brands with substantial marketing budgets, continuing to use Meta ads for retention can help maintain visibility and engagement.

Alright folks, that’s it for today.

If you have any questions or have topic recommendations, feel free to share here.

See you tomorrow inside Ibrahim’s Nuggets!


🗣 Running a B2B and want to reach 40,342 DTC Brands? Start here…